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terbukti sangat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "terbukti sangat"
  • The attested calendar of the Roman Republic was quite different.
    Kalender Republik Romawi terbukti sangat berbeda.
  • Our association, Ms. Lahari, has proved quite problematic.
    Kerjasama kita, Nn. Lahari, terbukti sangat bermasalah.
  • Frankish influence in Benevento proved to be very short-lived.
    Pengaruh bangsa Franka di Benevento terbukti sangat singkat.
  • The lawyer says that the enmity will prove very costly.
    Pengacara mengatakan bahwa permusuhan akan terbukti sangat mahal,
  • But the lady proved to be elusive.
    Namun perempuan terbukti sangat sulit untuk dipahami.
  • The association quickly proved highly profitable to both women.
    Penggabungan pun terbukti sangat menguntungkan bagi kedua perusahaan ini.
  • You have proven to be an immense help.
    Kamu sudah terbukti sangat membantu.
  • It has proven itself to be quite effective.
    Sudah terbukti sangat efektif.
  • Your tactics have been most effective, Captain.
    Taktikmu terbukti sangat ampuh, Kapten.
  • This warmth has proved crucial.
    kehangatan ini telah terbukti sangat penting.
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